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STITCH - Sapienza information-based Technology InnovaTion Center for Health - is an interdepartmental research center. STITCH aims at encouraging and increasing, by interdisciplinary integration, common research projects among departments, allowing the access to funding sources through the competitive advantage obtained by departments integration on complex instruments and/or laboratories management in these fields: internal medicine; radiological, oncological and anatomical pathological sciences; information science and technologies; miniaturization, sensors, artificial intelligence and other departments areas of expertise.

The founding departments of the Center are: Department of Radiological Sciences, Oncology and Anatomical Pathology (DROP); Department of Computer Science (DI); Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering “Antonio Ruberti” (DIAG); Department of Astronautics, Electrical an Energetics Engineering (DIAEE); Department of Translational and Precision Medicine (DMTP). 


The Center has the following aims: 

- to encourage and to increase, by inter-disciplinary integration, the research possibility between Departments;

- to contributes towards the internationalization of the Sapienza reasarch system;

- to create networking opportunities among researchers of different institutions;

- to promote multidisciplinary research through bottom-up identification of research projects, targeting a common goal;

- to draft research projects, aimed to submission to granting agencies;

- to allow the access to public and private funding sources


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