STITCH is aimed to develop new professionals who are able to interact with the extraordinary new information technologies available today and understand and predict emerging healthcare needs.
For this reason, we offer students of all disciplines the opportunity to partecipate in conferences, lectures, and workshops that focus on emerging technologies, such as big data, miniaturization, sensors, machine learning and artificial intelligence, and their application in the healthcare field.
We enourage students of either medical/biological schools and of computer/engineering faculties to work together in order to partecipate in transdisciplinary research projects.
In this regards, STITCH aims to actively promote the integration of engineering, statistics, mathematics, and physics with all medical subspecialties. Sapienza University is unique in being able to offer, integrate, and consolidate such vast expertise for a common goal. We propose, therefore, new research themes for this purpose.
Here you will find a list of our many ongoing research projects.These projects may also serve as the basis for the development of a graduate or postgraduate thesis for medical students.
If you need any help, contact us at